Watercolor on Paper 14" x 10" The Mary Day is based in Camden, Maine. When it’s in port I love to draw and paint this magnificent schooner. On this particular day, the early morning sun backlit the boat and it beckoned me to capture it in watercolor. As I was working, the schooner next to it raised its sails and I rushed to include its bright white shapes.

Watercolor on Paper 22" x 14"

Watercolor on Paper 14" x 20" Gloucester is a historic fishing village and art colony that is located in Cape Ann, Massachusetts. Several Hollywood movies were filmed here including The Perfect Storm, The Love Letter, and Captains Courageous, which was based on the Rudyard Kipling novel. Many American artists including Winslow Homer, Frederick Mulhaupt, Emile Gruppe and Anthony Thieme, painted the fishermen, schooners and boathouses at this busy seaport.

Watercolor on Paper 14" x 22" Seal Cove is located on the southwestern side of Mount Desert Island, Maine. This peaceful, hidden cove is popular with local residents. It’s one of my favorite locations for a picnic lunch and afternoon sketch. It’s also a great spot to see seals, bald eagles and dramatic sunsets.

Watercolor on Paper 20" x 14"

Watercolor on Paper 22" x 28"

Watercolor on Paper 14" x 22"

Watercolor on Paper 11" x 15"

Watercolor on Paper 14" x 20"

Watercolor on Paper 14" x 22"

Watercolor on Paper 14" x 18"

Watercolor on Paper 14" x 22"